Monday, December 08, 2008

The Plan - Get Up!

Here's what's up:

Basically, with my new found freedom, I am just kinda slipping into my creative shoes again.

I had been trying to make Midwest Avengers my sole creative endeavor and I think everyone suffered because of it.

I can be seriously passive aggressive.

Anyhoo, now I'm 'single', and it is all about A. Dubs again, and I gotta catch up with the times.

I am probably gonna use this to write through my creative struggles, use Twitter for randomness, and Facebook for staying in touch with my peeps.

YouTube, Myspace, and my music specific Myspace become places to track those aspects of me, and photographs I guess could be at any and all of those until I get my site back up.

It may also become a source for one of my other passions, observing and writing about technology, media, entertainment & society, and how all of those get to be nuggets of pop culture and our American or hyphenated American identity.

I guess it could be anything, really, but it should (since I know me) slowly but surely clump into fairly consistent categories that approximate if not match those listed above.


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Thanks for the thoughts!

- A. Dubs